Resize image to square
Resize image to square

And you can see here that I've already run the check, right? So it says you have a total of 70 images. Also, I'm going to click on that APP and it's going to take a second to come up. They make a height, they make high end faucets and I've already added the APP into their store and I'm going to click on it. So now I'm going to walk into a client's store. So that's what we want is we want all of our product photos square and this APP's going to do it for us. So you can easily scroll across with your eye and see the titles for these different product descriptions. So you can see the photos are all lined up at the same size and the text all shows up. Now here's another example of a store where all the product photos are squares.

resize image to square

So it's harder for the customer to read what's going on on this page. Now these other two products have been added recently, but they're their portrait photos and you'll notice the text is that different heights. So here's when we added a while ago, we ran the APP and it turns it into a square photo. But here's an example of product photos that aren't square. Um, and we haven't run the Pixie APP in the store in a little while and we're going to run it soon cause we're adding new products. So we just picked square as the aspect ratio to standardize our photos on cause it works in both mobile and in desktop. And they also, it's kind of a compromise between, you know, a phone screen, which is portrait and a laptop or desktop screen, which is landscape. And that way they line up really well in collection pages.

resize image to square resize image to square

All right, so the best practice that I use that that many people use is to turn all their product photos, whether they're landscape or portrait into square photos. So what it does is it takes all of your product photos and allows you to resize them to be square. Um, and what this APP does is one thing, but it does it really well. So it's, it's well used and a highly rated. It's got over 1100 reviews that are 4.8 rating. Here you can see it's a listing on the Shopify APP store. In this video, I'm going to talk about an APP that I add to most of my clients stores are the APP is called photo resize by Pixie.

Resize image to square